Savannah Ward MCA Calls for Probe into Illegal Termini Causing Congestion in Nairobi

Nairobi Members of the County Assembly from the transport committee have begun an investigation into illegal public service vehicle termini in Upper Savannah Ward.
Stazo Omung’ala, the area’s ward representative and deputy majority whip at the Nairobi Assembly, identified the illegal termini at Caltex Petrol Station and Naivas Supermarket as public nuisances. He stated that motorists along Outering Road are suffering due to the blockage caused by public service vehicles, which have established unauthorized bus termini in these locations, leading to traffic congestion.
Omung’ala emphasized that these actions violate Section 27 of the Nairobi City County Transport Act, 2020, which governs the use of designated areas for picking up and dropping off passengers by public service vehicles.
During a plenary session on Tuesday, September 17, 2024, Omung’ala requested the Chairperson to investigate whether traffic marshals have been deployed by the County Executive in the affected areas and if the County has designated, well-marked termini at Caltex Petrol Station and Naivas Supermarket in Upper Savannah Ward. He also called for information on the measures the County Executive is taking to eliminate all illegal termini along Outering Road.
He further noted that the County is responsible for managing transport within its jurisdiction, including designating picking and dropping areas on County roads, as outlined in paragraph 5 of Part 2 of the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010.