Credit Bank Partners with CapitalPlus Exchange and Eneza Education to Increase Access to Education Materials

Credit Bank Plc has announced a partnership with CapitalPlus Exchange Corporation (CapPlus) and Eneza Education that will see the bank’s customers access education materials for free via Eneza’s virtual tutoring platform.
Credit Bank CEO Mrs. Betty Korir noted that the partnership was born out of the bank’s passion for impacting future generations. “One of Credit Bank’s key focus areas is ensuring we impact the future generations. Consequently, we are always keen to partner organizations that pursue a similar social mission. This partnership with CapPlus and Eneza Education will ensure that we continue to deliver value to our customers, over and above financial services.”
Through the partnership, Credit Bank’s SME customers will receive free access to Eneza Education’s virtual tutoring services for six months on a first come-first served basis. This access will extend to the employees of the MSMEs and other customers of the bank in the education sector.
The CapPlus-Eneza program, which seeks to reach a total of 8,000 students from low to moderate-income households across the country, will see class 4 to form 4 students have free access to:
• Revision notes in all curriculum subjects
• Assessments and quizzes
• Termly revision papers
• Teachers to respond to any questions
• Set books
“We are excited to be partnering with Credit Bank and CapPlus to give access to quality learning and revision materials to their customers so that they can continue with their studies when at home,” expressed Wambura Kimunyu, CEO Eneza Education.
According to CapPlus’ CEO, Ms. Lynn Pikholz, “We value our partnership with Credit Bank with its track record as an SME bank and its continued contribution to the growth of SMEs through non-financial solutions. A good education is vitally important to children’s future prospects, so we are delighted that this partnership will promote children’s education during this time of frequent school closures and contribute to the country’s short term and long term education goals.”
Mrs. Betty Korir added that she was elated with the bank’s progress in offering support to their customers during these difficult times. “I am happy to note that this initiative enables us to do both; continue to offer non-financial services to our MSME customers aimed at enabling them to continue with their core business, as well as impact future generations. Our partners in this venture are also very well-respected, and we look forward to exploring further partnership opportunities, as the world gradually emerges from the pandemic.”