Uhuru betrayed William Ruto,me and many Leaders of jubilee but we have forgiven him,Aden Duale.
Garisa town Mp and former majority leader national assembly Aden Duale now claims that president Uhuru Kenyatta betrayed his deputy William Ruto,him and ahost of jubilee leaders who ensured that he was elected twice as Kenya’s fourth president.
Duale said that upto date they have never understood what changed with Uhuru to betray his foot soldiers who used their own resources to ensure Uhuru becomes fourth president.
“From where am ,have never understood why uhuru saw it wise to betray people like us, especially his deputy William Ruto,even if it’s politics,some other decision you must consult wider,”Duale said.

Duale said that ,those leaders who were victims of Uhuru’s betrayl have already forgiven him and they will respect him even if he exit state house come 2022.
“We have no problem with him,no gradge at all ,we understand this politics,his our fellow states man let him finish his term in peace,”Duale added.

Duales sentiments comes just aday after deputy president Ruto while on his Migori tour on Sartuday 25th September, allayed fears that he would retaliate against ODM Leader Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Ruto added that the duo will enjoy state protection should he assend to power.
Ruto has constantly accused the two (Raila Odinga and Uhuru Kenyatta) of frustrating his efforts to win the upcoming 2022 General Election.
The Chief hustler further asked President Uhuru Kenyatta and ODM Leaader Raila Odinga to support his bid for Presidency as he supported both of them in previous elections. He alleged that he had the people’s support and was not distracted by Uhuru’s efforts to unite political leaders against him.