Governor Lenku Biggest Winner In Proposed Azimio Talks

It has now emerged that the Azimio La Umoja team could embark on a consensus process that will see its party’s share seats in the expansive Maa region that brings together Kajiado and Narok Counties.
The new proposals being floated will most likely see the Jubilee party allowed to field a gubernatorial candidate in Kajiado while ODM will have the freedom to field its preferred candidate in Narok.
The idea is informed by the need to have current Kajiado governor Joseph Ole Lenku serve two terms and ODM given a chance to win the Narok seat which they have unsuccessfully tried to win in the last two elections.
Samuel Tunai( Jubilee) who is the Narok governor is serving his second term and is poised to exit office come August.
Narok North MP Moitalel Ole Kenta is expected to fly the ODM flag in the vote-rich county and he has been tipped as the favourite to win the seat.
Pundits believe that the way President Uhuru and Raila handle the gubernatorial contest could be key in determining the votes the Azimio movement will get in the presidential tally.
In Kajiado,a group of professionals have called for the need to allow governors in the county to finish their two terms for continued development.