Likuyani Youths enroll Elderly, Vulnerable to NHIF

Friends of Sinoko, a self help group in Likuyani, Sinoko ward has resolved to donations as one ways of enlisting the elderly and the less privileged members of the society to NHIF.
The group now wants interventions from the well wishers for it to reach out to a larger number of the targeted population.
Speaking yesterday during the Group’s Annual General meeting, Mise Kaunda, the group secretary general said that most people in the area had lost their lives due to lack of funds to cater for treatment. Others had no idea on how to enrol for NHIF and how beneficial it is to them.
“We have lost many lives due to inability to access better medical assistance due to lack of funds for treatment. As a group, we have decided to take the initiative of helping these people to enrol for NHIF so as to better their health. We are planning on conducting public sensitization on this too,” he told the Press.
Kaunda urged those in position of getting the NHIF card to do so for the benefit of their families.
“We wish everybody in our ward to have active NHIF card. Those who can afford to enrol for themselves, please do so. To those who are unable, we shall find ways of helping once we get assistance from people of good will.” he said.
Maria Meso, the group secretary added that the level of poverty in the ward was to blame for the inability of people to get good health services.
“Most of our elderly people depend on their children and grandchildren to help them yet the same children and grantchildren are unemployed. This makes them unable to fend for their families leave alone providing medical assistance to them,” she said.
The group is now seeking for the well wishers including businessmen, leaders, ministry of health and those willing to help to do so for the sake of saving lifes.

In addition, the group has several projects that are ongoing that needs to be supported so as to help them give back to the society by creating some employment opportunities and engaging in charity work.
Wilfred Siakama, the group chairperson urged the county government to help solve the matter.
“We want the county government to support us too, its a rough task that needs help,” he said
For assistance, advice and remarks, reach out to them via their phone numbers:
Wilfred Siakama 0724703675
Mise Kaunda
Paybill no. 522522
Account 1284082881