Climate Advocacy Groups to Keep Pressure on climate demands

By Reporter
Following the unsatisfactory outcomes for Africa at the 27th Conference of Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 27) which ended in Egypt recently, climate change activists from Kenya plan to persist with their demands and keep up the momentum ahead of the next COP set for Dubai next year.
Addressing journalists in Nairobi during a meeting by the Kenya Platform on Climate Governance (KPCG), Charles Mwangi, the Head of Programmes and Research at the Pan African ClimateJustice Alliance urged the Kenyan climate activists not to relent even as COP27 disappointed Africa.
“COP27 was not a progression, but lowered the bar from the Glasgow meeting held in the UK in 2021 on many fronts including on energy, climate finance, loss and damage and failure to recognize Africa as a region of special needs and circumstances,” he said.
Mwangi said COP27 failed to address Africa’s unique circumstances, offering instead some false solutions.
For example, he termed suggestions by the global north to use insurance as a means to compensate for loss and damage as a false solution to the climate crisis.
Mwangi said climate change is a planetary crisis, widely recognized as a stressor that undermines sustainable development and the resilience of ecosystems and societies.
Tumal Orto Galdibe, a community leader of the Gabra indigenous people, and camel pastoralist from Maikona, Marsabit County said close to 500 of his goats have died from the ongoing drought including those he pays special attention to rear within an enclosure.
“Who will pay for my loss?” He asked