Details of Samuel Sane’s Letter to President William Ruto on Economic Development

My name is Samuel Sane Ole Kitene from Kiserian, Kajiado county. A Gospel musician and a community volunteer leader.
My aim to write this letter is to encourage and offer brilliant ideas that can help you achieve your desired goals and bring forth the best performing Government ever in history of Kenya. My faith is you shall lead the country out of the red flags of poverty to a nation that will depend on itself and make her admirable all over Africa and the globe at large From your recent statement during performance contracting your mind is set to change Kenya, a state that will depend most in production el personally fully agree with you to deliver our nation from borrowing and engage in hard work.
Ministry of finance (The national treasury)
The ministry should get a lasting solution in bank notes printing locally instead of hiring foreign companies .This will create employment opportunities like production of cotton and linen which are the main raw materials for money printing .The ministry should procure modern money printing machines and also train experts offshore who will execute the process -This step can make the country save a lot billions. My question is why should we buy our own money and yet we can print it locally Proudly made in Kenya by Kenyans.
The ministry should put in place an efficient tax system. This will help in raising Government revenues to support its expenditures. It can help also in lowering tax rates. The more revenue treasury collects, the more projects will be done for the benefit of the nation. C ETO avoid over taxation. Most citizens will evade from paying taxes by using cash without invoices alt will encourage corruption thus depriving the Government amount of taxes from its citizens -Also when basic commodities are overtaxed, the prices hike leading to low consumption decreasing and demand which equals to low taxes.
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
-The ministry should emphasize on production of high value crops like cotton which has wide range of products used in health industry, sanitary towels ,diapers ,clothes ,money printing and more.
Our soil can favor production of cotton plant instead of importing finished products from Indian ,Turkey and China. We can lead in farming and also in production of this precious product. We only need training and machineries to produce the items.
If the ministry can work extra hard, food production can be easy as drinking water. We don’t need to depend on only maize but a wide variety of other food crops like bananas, sweet potatoes, cassava, green grams etc. that require little rain -A country like Philippines farm bananas and feed her country and also export them Kenya Kisii ,Meru and Muranga produce bananas feeding the country. We really don’t need rocket science to be a productive country. A little training is needed to educate farmers in areas that have favorable climate for farming like my county Kajiado ,Turkana ,Wajir ,Mandera and others.
To be sincere ,you will find in my county most cattle farmers don’t know the value of manure Some give it freely and others at low price to neighboring counties for lack of knowledge. We have virgin and fertile soil unlike the Israel and yet we wait for relief food to feed our children.
lt’s a great shame to even import wine from other countries where we can be producing our own.
Special training should be offered to cattle farmers and mostly pastoralists to embrace modern way of livestock raring WA farmer graze 100 cows and yet he can cannot even milk a litre to feed the children while a farmer with modern know how having just a cow can feed whole village with litres of milk. Modern knowledge will boost farmers to gain high yield of milk, beef and mutton even to other countries in Middle east.
Ministry of Trade & Industry.
This ministry should be in front line in establishing factories and industries owned by the
Government. Special and export processing zones should be encouraged to help in poverty eradication by creating employment opportunities.
The ministry should train experts overseas like in China, Japan, Singapore and other developed countries to enhance productivity in this sector to increase GDP.
It should procure modern production machines to support locally manufactured commodities thus creating job openings.
Embrace new technology of electric cars battery (nickel cadmium and lithium ion batteries) manufacturing locally which importation cost is expensive.
Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology.
The ministry can play a great role in Government revenue generation and also creating great employment to our content creators and artists. The Cabinet Secretary should arrange for establishment of a platform like you tube and Facebook where our people should upload their content works and generate income.
The Government will get undisputed tax instead of other foreign countries to benefit. Any person can use the platform which will make it popular locally and international.
The ministry should identify students that are technical to sponsor them for advanced technology offshore and employ them as Government asset to bring a change in our country technology. A good example is electric cars new technology and other machineries,
- The Ministry of Education.
This great ministry should help to identify bright students country wide to be sponsored and fully owned by the Government to head the ministries and other authorities owned by the state after completion.
This idea will bring major change in our country to a road of eradicating poverty completely and embracing development. They should be taken to developed countries universities for exchange programs to bring a change to our local learning institutions.
The ministry should also identify special talented students to be sponsored for further studies. This will help in motivating our children to be active knowing that every talent is important for generating income and creating employment. Sports and arts pay well in developed countries.
Ministry of Water, Sanitary and Irrigation.
As we know water is life, my advice to the ministry is no drop of water should go to waste. Rain water should be fully harvested at all levels for human, livestock and for irrigation consumption.
Existing non seasonal rivers should be harnessed to boost irrigation all over the country where farmers should not struggle to pump water in their farms.
Seasonal rivers should be harnessed and water to be stored in dams and water pans for future use.
A good example is Kiserian dam and Chemususu dam. This idea will make sure no water goes to waste. The water can be used for human consumption and farming too thus eradicating water shortage and poverty.
lf Kenya Pipeline Corporation can pump fuel from Mombasa to Eldoret, the ministry in charge can pump water to farms for irrigation across the country aggressively to boost food production.
Sewage water should be recycled, purified and treated to be used in irrigation, construction, toilets for flushing and other purposes.
Ministry of Energy.
This ministry should try it best in electrification programs mostly in all households country wide By doing this, it will be empowering families and mostly school children to be able to do homework -With modern machines , farmers can use it to pump water to their farms and do other essential activities that boost economic growth. It will also be a source of Government revenue.
Streetlighting should be a priority in all shopping centers and feeder roads to enhance a 24-hour economy and boost security. This can help in rewarding traders who play a big part in economy growth and generate revenue to the government.
lncrease the rate of electricity connectivity to customers who have mini-factories like ballast crushers ,quarries and boreholes for farming Eventually they will be premium tax payers through electricity consumption. This will encourage and motivate young local investors also create more job opportunities.
Ministry of Health.
This a very crucial ministry. I feel we are dragging behind in this sector. I believe knowledge is power and the ministry should work hard to sponsor doctors overseas for modern health training to boost our health sector. I feel bad when complicated medical cases are referred to other countries like India ,lsrael ,Turkey and others and yet we have the capacity and bright Doctors and Nurses who can perform the treatment locally.
By doing this ,the Government and patients will not spend money overseas but will gain and empower her people.
The ministry should procure modern medical equipment to facilitate easier way of handling serious cases like achalasia cardia treatment (poem surgery) and robotic assistance equipment. The poem surgery is never done locally and yet it’s a surgery that only take an hour but because of lack of expertise and equipment a patient has to travel offshore for detailed and advanced medication.
lncrease modern medical hospitals and centers to facilitate better healthcare to the citizens -Like now in my constituency Kajiado west we have none to cater for emergency health services Death rates of unborn children is very high for lack of public hospitals that can offer maternity and pediatric health services.
Our people have to travel long distances in search of these essential services to the neighboring counties like KNH ,Mbagathi Memorial hospital, PCEA Kikuyu and St-Marys Langata.
Lastly ,very low percentage have National Health Insurance Fund cover.
The ministry should educate the public the importance of this insurance cover and increase the number According to my opinion and suggestion the cover should be made mandatory for every Kenyan from age 18 Personally I am a beneficiary of this product when I was involved in a tragic road accident year 2020. The NHIF covered my treatment(surgery 2020 and surgery 2021) cost twice at Kikuyu PCEA hospital (worth Kshs 500,000). This year it covered for my different ailment treatment at Tenwek hospital in Bomet (worthy Kshs 100,000).