IGAD Ministerial Meeting on Accelerating Food Systems Transformation Agenda

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The IGAD Climate Prediction and Applications Centre (ICPAC) hosted a high-level ministerial meeting on Friday, themed “Accelerating Food Systems Transformation in Ethiopia, Somalia, and South Sudan.”

The event aimed to explore the food system acceleration agenda and identify common opportunities and gaps in implementing and advancing national pathways for food systems transformation in the IGAD Region.


Senior experts and policymakers from Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and South Sudan, along with representatives from partner organizations including the United Nations (UN), The World Bank, the European Union (EU), and The United States Agency for International Development (USAID), gathered to share best practices and develop a coordinated plan to strengthen regional food systems.

Dr. Fatuma Adan, IGAD Head of Mission to the Republic of Kenya, emphasized the importance of collaboration and resilience in addressing food security issues: “We are delighted to have three of our member states (Ethiopia, Somalia, and South Sudan) participating in this discussion on food security issues in the region. The agenda of this high-level meeting is to discuss strategies, policies, and systems to improve food security. The region has faced numerous crises, including climate crises, conflicts, and flooding due to excessive rains. We want to work with member states and development partners to address these crises and build systems that can help our communities be resilient against these shocks.”

Mr. Stephen Wathome of the European Union highlighted the cross-border nature of food security: “When you look at food security, it is a cross-border issue. It’s no longer about availability and accessibility of food to a specific country; we have to support each other. Several challenges affecting these countries include the climate nexus, soil, biodiversity, and governance issues. Coordination and governance are becoming increasingly concerning because people lack resources to purchase food.”

The meeting underscored the need for concerted efforts and partnerships to build resilient communities and strengthen food systems in the IGAD Region.

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