Busia Speaker Hon. Odilo in Hot Water for Abusing Raila

Busia Leaders have now condemned the County Speaker of Busia Hon. Frederick Wafula Odilo over his unwarranted utterance where he demanded the dislodging of Raila Odinga influence in the ODM Party.
In the derogable utterance against Odinga,the Busia speaker says Raila is Old enough to stick to Addis Ababa after AUC chairmanship elections.

“He is too old now and I think he should leave the stage. It is not time for Odinga and his ODM Party cronies to start nominating for us candidates from party headquarters.” Odilo said.
Busia Leaders have termed such utterance as archaic and hell-bent on party division.
According to the leaders led by Mzee Odok Atora the utterance are disrespectful and uncalled for and that ODM Party must move with speed and impose sanctions on Odilo.
“Baba amesaidia Chama aliiileta akatunza sisi tukaingia hauna ruhusa ya kumkosea heshima kwa sababu ya AUC.We shall send you home if you can not respect this party.” Atora said.
Odilo made the remarks at ODM function in Kakamega County.