Market land grabbed by private developers in Nairobi West
Nairobi West Member of County Assembly Rex Omolleh has called on relevant authorities to help restore land in his ward that was grabbed and sold to private developers.
The MCA stated that the land was meant to be used to set up a market.
“The land was supposed to have a public market and we have now seen private developers build their property in it,” he stated.
He has also called on the area MP and Governor Johnson Sakaja to help get back the land.
He said that Sakaja has vowed to fight land grabbers hence he should also help in this.
Nairobi county Build, Environment and Urban Planning sector rolled out development plan to help deter land grabbing, evict land grabbers from public properties and regulate on encroachment of buildings.
All developers within the county are required to submit drawings to physical planning sector for approval, stream revenue and promote authentication of properties before proceeding with construction.
Last year, those who grabbed properties belonging to the county were told to voluntarily surrender them before forced repossession.
The county has intensified efforts to repossess illegally acquired public properties.