Githunguri MP Criticizes Government Formation and Calls for Accountability in Wealth Accumulation

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Githunguri Member of Parliament Honorable Gathoni Wamuchomba has openly criticized the proposed government formation, describing it as a consolidation of Kenya’s problems rather than a solution.

She expressed concerns over the unexplained increase in wealth among former Cabinet Secretaries (CSs), questioning whether these individuals had turned to gambling to amass fortunes of over 100 million shillings without clear business ventures or tax accounts.


Wamuchomba’s remarks highlight a growing dissatisfaction with the current leadership’s handling of wealth accumulation and accountability.

“It’s only lottery that can give you Sh 100 million more in one year without doing business and no account of Taxes paid. Are all those Former Cs with increased wealth of over 100 Million gamblers? I wonder. Do we have any conscience left in leadership in Kenya? MPs can literally smile as they listen to how one’s wealth increased miraculously and doesn’t bother to probe further,” she said.

The MP also addressed the demands of Generation Z protestors, who have been vocal about wanting a new cabinet rather than a reshuffled one. Ignoring these demands, she warned, is a cause for concern.

“Gen Z protestors demanded a new cabinet, not reshuffled. Ignoring their demand is very worrying. These young patriots don’t appreciate tribal and regional balancing. This is an outdated political approach,” Wamuchomba added, urging leaders to pay attention to the younger generation’s perspective and interpret their demands, as they represent the majority of Kenyans.

Wamuchomba’s comments came as part of a broader critique of the political landscape in Kenya, which she described as a “broadbased political chess-board.”

She concluded by suggesting that the political maneuvering must play out, but emphasized the importance of addressing the underlying issues affecting the nation.

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