Duale defends Magoha over school fees payment order.

Garissa Township MP Aden Duale on Monday supported Education CS Gorge Magoha’s order to parents to pay school fees.
“I think people misunderstood the minister, what he meant is that parents who are able to pay school fees must do so and principals and head teachers know these students,” Duale said.

The former Majority leader spoke at NEP Girls High School where he distributed revision books for both primary and secondary students.
He regretted the backlash that followed Magoha’s statement, saying that he saw it wise to come out and defend him.
“Let us be honest with each other our; children who are in school need to eat and we also have other bills that need to be cleared like electricity. When we all refuse to pay, how will the schools run?” Duale said.

He urged head teachers to be sympathetic to parents who ‘can genuinely not pay school fees’, noting that they know them.
“Amongst us are parents who lost their jobs during the pandemic, some were forced to close their businesses. Our teachers are human beings and they understand this, they have the conscience [to judge for themselves],” he said.