Korogocho ward Mca Matach puts notice on land grabbers aiming Baba Dogo Playing ground.
Mike Nyaks. October 6, 2023 0
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We shall not allow private developers to grab Baba Dogo playing ground ,Korogocho ward Mca Absalom Odhiambo Matach has warned.
Speaking to media at cityhall, Mca Matach has send a warning to those private investors planning to grab the public land that as leaders they will not allow it.
“We want to send warning to those planning to grab this public land that we are aware and will not allow you even aminute, this land belongs to wananchi,”Mca Matach said.
Mca Matach has also urged governor Sakaja to swing into action and ensure the Baba Dogo playing ground is safe since it helps children and youth who plays football to nature their talent.