Nairobi Mcas reject Sakaja’s proposal to increase more taxes to city residents.

Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja’s led administration has been dealt ablow by city Mcas after they rejected his move to tax more to Nairobi residents in this hard economic times.
While presenting aproposed finance bill document on the floor of the house on Thursday, Nairobi County Assembly budget committee Chairman Dr Wilfred Odalo, the Mcas withdrew the previously proposed charges especially at open-air preachers and artists as outlined in the Finance Bill of 2023.
While supporting the 2023 finance bill on the floor of the house,Gatina Ward Mca Kennedy Swaka thanked the budget committee for putting the interest of Common Mwananchi at hand by making several changes and rejecting the initial proposal by Governor Sakaja.
“We are happy because with the current prevailing economic situation, taxing more our people is injustice, its good that our small scale traders will pay less amount to do their business,”Mca Swaka said.
In addition, the fees associated with music shooting and commercial activities have seen a revision, with the original charge of 5000 Kenyan Shillings reduced to 3000 Kenyan Shillings.
His counterpart Korogocho ward Mca Absalom Odhiambo also lauded the committee for not charging political fields in Nairobi.
“This political fields are now free to use moving foward,”Mca matach said.

Mca Matach further added that,this decision reflects the county’s commitment to fostering a more open and affordable environment for both preachers, artists,and mama mboga and the public alike.