Why judges and Magistrate’s want S.G Derrick Kuto as the association’s President

The Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association(KMJA) shall hold its elections at the end of this year according to a notice seen by the Top News.
There’s a lot of lobbying and secret meetings, Top News can authoritatively report.
There is a lot of interest from many quarters, including high ranking officials in the Judiciary circles.
One name that refuses to leave people’s minds is that of the current firebrand Secretary General, Hon Derrick Kuto.
Hon Kuto has served the Association with unmatchable zeal.
Several serving Judges and Judicial officers endorse his leadership saying that much has been achieved in terms of welfare and addressing of issues.
“Hon Derrick Kuto is articulate and courageous. On issues affecting us, he has all but outperformed himself. His commitment is out of this world, ” Said one Judicial officer.
Most members who were reached for comment insisted that they hope that one day he sits in the Judicial Service Commission. Their basis is that their employer has been lukewarm in addressing issues welfare and their view is more vibrancy and commitment is needed therein.

Kuto has been touted to be the engine for uncountable successes for the KMJA. He championed a case against Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) to address the now hitherto nagging issue of salaries and allowances for Judicial officers. At the height of suspensions and interdictions, the SG is said to have rallied his members in questioning the powers of the then Chief Justice, David Maraga, to discipline its members.
His most recent measure of courage was two statements, one defending Judges who decided to stop the BBI and one questioning President Uhuru’s decision not to swear in some Judges who had been nominated by the JSC.
He also came out guns blazing when the DCI arrested and questioned two judges in what was termed as “Unprocedural”
“The President is setting a bad precedent for this country, one of not following the rule of law and disobedience of court orders. It is against this background that KMJA calls upon the President to respect the rule of law,” Said hon Kuto.
His colleagues readily endorsed him for Presidency of KMJA.
Reaching out Hon Kuto for comment he said the decision lies with judges and that he couldn’t appraise himself.
My interaction with court users at the unionist’s working station confirmed these sentiments.
I noted that even the guards at the main gate have very kind words for the “mheshimiwa.”
They term him as a very amiable and kind person who deeply respects everyone.
We will watch this space and see what happens.
I can however conclude that he is highly respected by the Judges and Judicial officers.